Frequently Asked Questions

Below FAQ are some common concerns of our clients before purchasing the product.

Infinite All Mushrooms specializes in selling a variety of mushroom products, including their popular Liquid Culture and colonized petri dish. They also offer a wide range of mushroom cultivation supplies.

At Infinite All Mushrooms, we are committed to delivering high-quality mushroom cultivation supplies. Our products are carefully selected and designed to help mushroom enthusiasts grow their own, high quality mushrooms at home. Our products stand out as we guarantee a clean Liquid Culture syringe. Every liquid culture is tested on an agar/malt petri dish, which we include with your order.

Liquid cultures are a great way to isolate favorable genetic attributes, providing a means to store/recreate them. Our Liquid cultures have been isolated and rated for aggressive growth, unique characteristics and over all yield. Liquid Culture is a convenient and effective way to grow mushrooms. Simply inject the Liquid Culture into a sterilized medium, such as grain or agar, and allow it to colonize. Once fully colonized, you can transfer the colonized spawn to a fruiting chamber and provide the necessary conditions for mushroom growth.

Petri Dishes are commonly used in mushroom cultivation for agar work. Agar is a gel-like substance that provides a sterile, high nutritional environment for mushroom mycelium to grow. Spores are often germinated in petri dishes and isolation of desired cultures can also be achieved. We use 90mm agar plates to test each individual culture to ensure its cleanliness and viability. These test plates are sent with the order and can be used as a back up culture to be examined.

The time it takes for mushrooms to grow can vary depending on the species and growing conditions. Generally, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for mushrooms to fully develop. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and proper care can influence the growth rate of mushrooms.

Yes, Infinite All Mushrooms offers international shipping. We strive to provide our products to mushroom enthusiasts worldwide. Please note that international shipping may have additional fees and longer delivery times.

At Infinite All Mushrooms, we have a 30-day return policy. If our package arrives damaged or still packaged, you will have 30 days to return package, with a full money back guarantee. If damaged, a detailed picture is required for a refund\replacement.

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